Tuesday 21 June 2011

Baby Steps

I have news!  It's not terribly huge or anything but it is kind of exciting...

First of all, the print proof is here....

Can't begin to explain how exciting it is to have an actual printed copy in my hands - even though I should really be championing the digital age seeing as that's what brought me this far.  But somehow it just makes it all seem that little bit more real when you can hold it in your hands and flick through the pages.  Also I can finally tell everyone how long it is in pages rather than word count - 180.  Short and sweet and to the point, but a great read all the same (so I'm told!)

There are a couple of small things I've decided need changing so I am now waiting for the revised proof and then it'll be time for my first print run.  Those copies will be sent out to indie bookstores and reviewers with a few held back of course for my biggest fans - my family.  Best get practising that E J Mack autograph!

In other news, I've seen an increase in sales and sample downloads, which is excellent, and I also have a couple of leads on potential author readings which is exciting, if a little nerve-wracking.  Offers to review are slowly materialising, though they won't be posted for a month or so yet, so all in all things are looking up.

In the meantime I'm making space for my screenwriting again, which makes me very happy.  The first draft of my new script is finished and it's definitely got legs so we'll see where that takes me.

As I said in the title, they may be baby steps but at least they're moving forward.

Don't forget '25 Random Facts' is available as an e-book on Amazon and Smashwords.  A sample can be read at my website, http://www.ejmack.co.uk , and I'd love for you to join me on my facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/ejmack.fb , or twitter http://www.twitter.com/@EJ_Mack

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